Spring Fairies:
These are a sampling of fairies clothed in some of the flowers that bloom in March, April and May in my gardens. All the fairies in the Fairy Trios Gallery are also available as individuals.
Click images for description and enlargement
To order: email me and include the print number(s), name(s), size(s)
Cards with white background: $5.00 or any 6/$24 (may mix from different galleries)
unframed 5x7: $16
unframed 8x10: $25
unframed 11x14: $40
Prices include shipping but not NYS tax

wearing parts of different hellebores, aka lenten roses

a St Patrick's day fairy — wearing a purple shamrock, hyacinth seedpod with dried petal, sporangia of a senstive fern, holding a lucky clover

wearing the leaf and blossom of a poppy windflower, aka anemone, columbine spurs, a miniature rose hip, and a bell of Ireland blossom

wearing a daffodil corona, hellebore carpals, crocus petals, and a snowdrop seedpod with dried petal remains

wearing a single hyacinth blossom, bud and petals, a striped squill blossom and buds with stems, and glory of the snow buds with stems

wearing tulip petals, a columbine blossom and columbine spurs, a bleeding heart blossom, and a chive bud and stems

wearing a primrose blossom, petals and bud with crocus leaves, and columbine spurs, holding a sprig of heather:

wearing parts of several hellebores, aka lenten roses

wearing a spring maple leaflet and whirlygigs, with a snowdrop seedpod and dried petals

wearing a bleeding heart blossom, columbine petals and spurs, and a rhododendron floret White background cards:

wearing parts of a ruffled primrose, and the seed pod of a rose campion:

wearing three varieties of daffodils, and the blossom of a myrtle spurge:

wearing parts of a pansy and a rose campion seedpod:

wearing parts of two trilliums and crocus leaves (trilliums are not endangered but are protected in NYS, which means they may only be picked from your own property)

wearing two varieties of windflowers, which are also known as anemones:

wearing columbines, a lily-of-the-valley blossom, a chionodoxa seedpod, holding a forget-me-not:

wearing parts of a pansy, and a rose hip

wearing pansy petals, blossom and bud with a wild violet White background cards: $5/ or mix and match 6/$24 5x7 Prints: $15 5x7 print with 8x10 white mat with black v-groove: $25 8x10 Prints: $25 (Prices include shipping, but not NYS tax)

wearing a saucer magnolia, tulip petals, pulmonaria buds, an uncapped acorn, and a spring anemone blossom

wearing a clematis blossom and petals; a columbine petal, spurs and pistils with stems; a tree peony seedpod, and a hyacinth seedpod
Note: I have many more designs than will fit on my website. Custom sizes are also available. Contact me if you would like to see more, are interested in a specific flower, or have any questions